Ería <div> <p>ISSN 0211-0563 / ISSN-e 2660-7018</p> <p>The first issue of Ería was published in 1980; just over three and a half decades later, 100 publications are reached. Maintaining the initial spirit and its unmistakable hallmarks, while supported by the recognition of FECYT as well as Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics, among other entities, Ería begins a new stage in a continued effort to adapt to new channels of dissemination and quality standards of scientific journals.</p> <p>Ería also seeks to incorporate as collaborators those companies and institutions identified with our thematic lines and values. With the institutional endorsement of Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, we reach a scientific-technical and economic agreement with entities committed to the territory.</p> </div> <div> <p><a href="">History of Ería</a></p> </div> Universidad de Oviedo es-ES Ería 0211-0563 Spatial planning and the Environment Icaro Obeso Muñiz Copyright (c) 2023 Icaro Obeso Muñiz 2024-01-05 2024-01-05 43 3 341 342 10.17811/er.43.2023.I-II Ocupación territorial en la precordillera andina: ¿futura conurbación en comunas del sector nororiente de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile? / Territorial occupation in the Andean pre-mountain range: future conurbation in communes of the northeastern sector of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile? <p>The connectivity between councils in the northeastern area of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, has been favored by the existence of an intercommunal road called Paseo Pie Andino. Located in the pre-Andean area, it crosses a natural space declared as an Ecological Preservation Area, which has delimited the progress of urban growth in this regional area. This road gives functional continuity to the urban areas of Colina and Lo Barnechea, favoring real estate development in its surroundings, under a territorial model outside official planning. The normative, descriptive and field analysis allows studying the role of planning in occupation processes linked to the improvement of connectivity between two areas that, with functional links, present regulatory restrictions and difficulties for the conurbation process in an area under official protection.</p> Alejandro Vallina Rodríguez Karen Martínez Vicencio Copyright (c) 2023 Alejandro Vallina Rodríguez, Karen Martínez Vicencio 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 43 3 275 291 10.17811/er.43.2023.275-291 Exploring the sustainable contrast between age friendly public areas in Mediterranean cities <p>This article aims to evaluate a site's capacity to meet the needs of the elderly in urban planning and is intended to aid urban planners in the use of urban space.</p> <p>The general objective of the study is to identify the specific needs of the elderly in two samples in two countries, Egypt and Spain, and develop an accessibility plan to cater to their needs. Furthermore, the study aims to promote sustainable development goals of ensuring healthy lives and well-being for all ages and making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.</p> <p>The research was based on analysis of existing literature and archival materials, as well as in situ, through observation and photographic documentation, during the investigation in Spain and Egypt. The study employed a comparative methodology to compare public spaces in two areas of two countries, Egypt and Spain. The research method consisted of two main steps: selecting the study areas, collecting and analysing data, and identifying the main features and characteristics of the public spaces in the study areas. The study areas selected for the research are Sheikh Zayed in Egypt and Castelló in Spain.</p> <p>The results showed that both samples have good urban planning and offer better access to public spaces. However, the social results in Castelló were higher than in Sheikh Zayed, as the number of the elderly in Sheikh Zayed is relatively small compared to Castelló. Overall, the study emphasises the need to ensure designs that are mindful of the elderly physical environment to ensure their safety and fulfilment of the SDGs.</p> Fatiha Kouidmi Delaa Ali Kamal Altawansy Copyright (c) 2024 Fatiha Kouidmi Delaa, Ali Kamal Altawansy 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 43 3 293 310 10.17811/er.43.2023.293-310 Extractivismo, narrativas del desarrollo y el mito del “efecto-derrame”: el caso de la minería del litio en Argentina / Extractivism, development narratives and the myth of the “trickle-down efect”: the case of lithium mining in Argentina <p>Extractivism, development narratives and the myth of the “trickle-down efect”: the case of lithium mining in Argentina. -Lithium is currently considered as a key metal to ensure the post-fossil energetic transition, electromobility, and the “green” economy. In the state’s and capital’s narrative, its exploitation appears as a new ElDorado, capable of promoting the enrichment of the public treasury and conquering the national, regional and local development. On the basis of official statistics and reports, scholar bibliography, corporative reports and journalistic information, this paper contrast the hegemonic discourse (the myth) and the objective material conditions (the reality) of the lithium mining in Argentina (i.e. the fourth major producer and exporter of such mineral) by using five categories of analysis: the speeches of the domestic political elites; the exports dynamics of the sector; the tax policy and collection; the policies of Corporate Social Responsability; and the access of the local communities to the basic services. The findings refute the imaginary “trickle down-effect” spread by the hegemonic discourse, demonstrating that the export boom of such activity results in meager contributions to the treasury, tax evasion tactics, and persistent infrastructural deficits.</p> Sebastián Gómez Lende Copyright (c) 2024 Sebastián Gómez Lende 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 43 3 311 340 10.17811/er.43.2023.311-335 Un proyecto empresarial integrado para el desarrollo rural de Asturias Rural Ecolab y Madre Asturias Copyright (c) 2023 Rural Ecolab y Madre Asturias 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 43 3 I IV 10.17811/er.43.2023.I-IV