Paradigmatic behaviorism and intelligence: task analysis? technical plan? or theory?

Cómo citar

Staats, A. W. (1990). Paradigmatic behaviorism and intelligence: task analysis? technical plan? or theory?. Psicothema, 2(Número 1), 7–24. Recuperado a partir de


Let me begin by congratulating the Director (José Muñiz Fernández) and Associate Directors (Jorge L. Arias, Marino Pérez, Guillermo Vallejo, and Serafín Lemos) for launching the publication of Psicothema with its goal of publishing research and theoretical contributions dependent upon on rationality and verifiability regardless of theoretical orientation, using Spanish and English as the official languages. Theoretical partisanship is too often the criterion for judgment. Moreover, a journal that will promote communication between Spanish psychology and United States psychology is very much needed....