Percepción háptica de objetos y patrones realzados: una revisión
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How to Cite

Ballesteros, S. (1993). Percepción háptica de objetos y patrones realzados: una revisión. Psicothema, 5(Número 2), 311–321. Retrieved from


Haptic perception of objects and rised line patterns: A revision. The haptic system is not an inferior and secundary system, dependent on visión. Instead the haptic system is able to aprehend important qualities of the stimulus. While the visual system is good at the perception of properties related to the objects' structure such as its form and size, the haptic system is specialized in the perception of properties related to the objects' substance such as its hardness and texture. A distinction is made among tactil, kinesthesic and haptic perception. The pioneering work of Katz, Révész and Gibson is hiehlighted along with recent work in the field of haptics. The hand in considered as an expert system, specially when exploratory purposive movements are performed. The need for more reseach in haptic perception and memory is proposed. At the same time, the possibility of application of the results in the education of the blind is outlined.
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