El comportamiento de los negociadores ante la capacidad de presión del mediador
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Méndez-Valdivia, M., Serrano, G., & Cuesta, M. (1999). El comportamiento de los negociadores ante la capacidad de presión del mediador. Psicothema, 11(Número 3), 573–585. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7542


Influence of mediators pressure capacity on the negociators behavior. A mediation process implies the interacction at least between three persons: two negotiators and a mediator that attempts to help them to settle their disputes. Although there are a lot of studies that research as must be carried the intervention process of the third part, there are few which test as react the negotiatiators in front of the mediator's strategies and tactics. Among them, it's considered that when the negotiators know that the meditor can punish them, performing to them strategies and tactics of pressure, will try to give and image of little conflict between them making a high number of concessions. So, the "Hastening Efect" would be producing (Pruitt, 1981; 1998; Harris y Carnevale, 1990). In this study we tried to test the said efecct ocurrence. At the same time we wish to know if this fenomenon can be explained continuining the Carnevale's Strategies Choice Model (1986), consideres as one of the principla explanatory framework of the mediational dynamic (Conlon, Carnevale, y Murnighan, 1994; Méndez, Serrano y Cuesta, 1994; Pruitt, 1998; Pruit y Carnevale, 1993; Serrano y Méndez, 1995). The sample employes was of 80 subjects each one of those acted as a negotiator in a laboratory simulate mediation. According to our results we can say that the "Hastening Efect" was no produce. The negotiators didn't increase neither the quality nor the quantity of their offers even knowing that the mediator could punish them. We think that negotiators, mainly due to the important interest that has at stake and the difficulty of evaluating precisely the mediator's real aspirations, react choosing strategies and tactics that permit them to reach the maximum beneficits , far of any personal interest of the third part.
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