Control contextual en el aprendizaje de números para un niño con discapacidad intelectual
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How to Cite

Alós, F. J., & Lora, M. D. M. (2007). Control contextual en el aprendizaje de números para un niño con discapacidad intelectual. Psicothema, 19(Número 3), 435–439. Retrieved from


Contextual control in teaching numbers to a child with intellectual disability. The aim of this work was to teach the discrimination of "equal" and "different" in numbers. The experiment was carried out a seven-year-old child with intellectual disability. The problem was analysed from the contextual control perspective. The learning procedure consisted of explicitly teaching a second-order conditional discrimination, and transfer to a novel second-order conditional discrimination was tested. In this study, the boy learned that, in presence of X1 (equal), he had to select the comparison B1 (the number one), given the sample A1 (the word one) and B2 (the number two), given A2 (the word two). He also he learned that, in the presence of X2 (different), he had to select the comparison B2 (the number two), given the sample A1 (the word one) and B1 (the number one), given A2 (the word two). We subsequently presented the contextual stimuli with two new numbers: three and four. The results showed the occurrence of learning transfer without explicit training in the new numbers.
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