XS-DIF: programa para el análisis del funcionamiento diferencial de los ítems en Excel
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How to Cite

G. Ordóñez, X., & J. Romero, S. (2007). XS-DIF: programa para el análisis del funcionamiento diferencial de los ítems en Excel. Psicothema, 19(Número 1), 171–172. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8613


XS-DIF: Program for analysis of Differential Item Functioning in Excel. XS-DIF is a program for detection of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) using Item Response Theory (IRT). It calculates Lord's Chi-Square, Raju's Signed Area and Unsigned Area, and Kim and Cohen's Closed-interval signed area and Closed-interval unsigned area. XS-DIF was designed to be executed in Excel 2000 and it has a capacity of analysis of up to 100 items. It is useful to support data analysis of research projects and in detection and teaching processes in DIF.
PDF (Español (España))