Comparing porphyroblasts and plate motions in the Betic Cordillera

Cómo citar

Aerden, D., & Sayab, M. (2011). Comparing porphyroblasts and plate motions in the Betic Cordillera. TRABAJOS DE GEOLOGÍA, 29(29). Recuperado a partir de


A systematic study was undertaken of the geometry and orientation of inclusion trails in 36samples of garnet schist from the Nevado-Filabrides (Betic Cordillera). A coherent structural patternemerges from this data that is compared with previously collected data for successive fold generationsand related fabrics in the same tectonic unit. A two-stage orogenic evolution is deduced characterizedby quite different crustal shortening directions. These directions are shown to be compatible withreconstructions of the Tertiary relative plate motions of Iberia, Africa, Eurasia and Adria.