Temperature, pressure and age constraints on the very low-grade metamorphism of the Jurassic Telekesoldal Nappe (Inner Western Carpahians) in NE Hungary – a summary

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Kövér, S., Fodor, L., Judik, K., Németh, T., Árkai, P., Balogh, K., & Kovács, S. (2011). Temperature, pressure and age constraints on the very low-grade metamorphism of the Jurassic Telekesoldal Nappe (Inner Western Carpahians) in NE Hungary – a summary. TRABAJOS DE GEOLOGÍA, 29(29). Recuperado a partir de https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/TDG/article/view/350


Jurassic metasedimentary rocks of the Telekesoldal Nappe (Inner Western Carpathians) were sampled for metamorphic studies. The Telekesoldal Nappe represents a mélange-like accretionary complex consisting of black shales, sandstone turbidites and olisthostromes, deposited by gravity mass flows in a backarc (forearc?) basin. It was affected by ductile deformation and metamorphic alteration connected to the Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous subduction and obduction processes of the Neotethys Ocean. In the case of the 120-140 Ma very low-grade metamorphism – which is younger than the subduction-related blueschist facies metamorphism (Faryad and Henjes-Kunst, 1997) – the peak temperature was ca. 300-350 ºC, while the minimum pressure was ca. 2-2.5 kbar.