Resumen: Partiendo de las premisas de la arqueología del paisaje, se muestra una evolución histórica de Aces, parroquia perteneciente al concejo de Candamu, desde los orígenes conocidos del poblamiento de hábitat castreño hasta la consolidación del sistema feudal, mostrando la organización del territorio de la villa medieval con sus principales espacios productivos y los mecanismos de fiscalidad y control, a partir de una restitución elaborada a través de la documentación medieval y moderna, cartografía histórica y fotointerpretación y la recogida de microtoponimia.
Los topónimos han sido acompañados en la redacción del texto de una numeración, que permite su localización en el material gráfico que acompaña el estudio.
Palabras clave: poblamiento, arqueología del paisaje, feudalismo, villa, explotación del territorio.
Abstract: Our propose is to approach a historical evolution restoration Aces parish, with the agrarian feudal plots of the village. To identify the articulation and configuration of diferents productive areas. The study is based in a complete and detailed analysis of landscape and fieldworks, combined with toponymy, and medieval and modern documents.
The parish was included in the actual territorial administration of Candamu, that was during centurys vinculated to the medieval Pravia’s alfoz. The signals of settlement in Candamu and the all the shire, go as far back as the paleolithic. Its later configuration by the megalithic sites and the hill forts existence, with landscape continuity during the roman presence. Its location in the centralwestern of Asturias. The administrative delimitation of the shire of Santiagu d’Aces is with the other shires of Candamu: San Tisu and Praúa mainly, and is very influence for the Nalón, the most important river in the region who serve like natural frontier in part of it spatial delimitation.
The analysis of the medieval documents about the church of the village of Aces and Candamu, and all the results extracted from archaeolgy study, the sites conserved and the ancient toponymy that is used to designate the parish and even the village, make to think of the maintenance of a social organization recognised from the traditional use of the plural genitive to designe the familiar group. The hill fort settlement and the cattle economy keep remain firm to the feudalism irruption, whose origin is observed from the creation of Santiago’s church and the population transfer to the fertile lowland of Nalón river. The new agricultural orientig of the economy is evident in the opening of big cerealistic areas, and with the introduction of manorial cultivation like grapevine.
The last pattern of settlement will be dispersed, the actual settle in Aces cause the fragmentation of the medieval villa. It’s important for the medieval territorial articulation of this territory its situation, about the river, with a ship crossing and a control tower.
Keywords: settlement, landscape archaeology, feudalism, villa, agrarian exploitation.