Advance care planning: moving towards a 21st century care culture
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planificación anticipada del cuidado, cuidado crónico, formación, atención integrada. advance care planning, chronic care, training, integrated care

How to Cite

Lasmarías Martínez, C. (2023). Advance care planning: moving towards a 21st century care culture. HAEL. HEALTH, AGING & END OF LIFE, 2(1), 127–137. Retrieved from


Advance care planning is defined as the process to explore values, wishes and expectative of patients, in order to build up the plan of care according to their preferences. ACP is a key element within models of care based on centred-people care. These models are special relevant being addressed to people with advanced chronic diseases or in the end of life process. Some particular aspects are needed to achieve a wide implementation of ACP: local government or institutional support; an internal consensus about the concept; general and specific training of the professionals involved; and the engagement of patients and citizenship. Last years, Cataluña has been developing an implementation program of ACP taking into account all these aspects. Nowadays, this proposal is being very well accepted by the different participants.

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