Editorial Retos y propuestas para los cuidados paliativos del s XXI: hacia la «atención integral e integrada de personas con enfermedades crónicas avanzadas en servicios de salud y sociales»

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Gómez-Batiste, X., & Ancizu García, I. (2023). Editorial Retos y propuestas para los cuidados paliativos del s XXI: hacia la «atención integral e integrada de personas con enfermedades crónicas avanzadas en servicios de salud y sociales». HEALTH, AGING & END OF LIFE, 2(1), 5–9. Recuperado a partir de https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/hael/article/view/20369


Gómez-Batiste, X., Martínez-Muñoz, M., Blay, C., Amblàs, J., Vila, L., Costa, X., Villanueva, A., Espaulella, J., Espinosa, J., Figuerola, M. y Constante, C. (2013). Identifying chronic patients in need of palliative care in the general population: development of the NECPAL tool and preliminary prevalence rates in Catalonia. BMJ Support Palliat Care, 3:300-308. Disponible en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2012-000211.

Gómez-Batiste, X., Martinez-Muñoz, M., Blay, C., Amblàs, J., Vila, L., Costa, X., Espaulella, J., Espinosa, J., Constante, C. y Mitchell, GK. (2014). Prevalence and characteristics of patients with advanced chronic conditions in need of palliative care in the general population: a cross-sectional study. Palliat Med, 28(4):302-311. Disponible en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0269216313518266.

Gómez-Batiste, X. y Connor, S. (Eds). (2017). Building Integrated Palliative Care Programs and Services. ISBN: 978-84-9766-602-2; Accesible en: Chair of Palliative Care. University of Vic. https://goo.gl/5gwqOh

Gómez-Batiste, X., Mateo-Ortega, D., Lasmarías, C., Novellas, A., Espinosa, J., Beas, E., Ela, S. y Barbero, J. (2017). Enhancing Psychosocial and Spiritual Palliative Care: Four-year results of the Program of comprehensive care for People with Advanced Illnesses and their families in Spain. Palliat Support Care, 15(1):98-109. Disponible en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1478951516000857.

Gómez-Batiste, X., Murray, SA., Keri, T., Blay, C., Boyd, K., Moine, S., Gignon, M., Van den Eynden, B., Leysen, B., Wens, J., Engels, Y., Dees, M. y Costantini, M. (2017). Comprehensive and integrated palliative care for people with advanced chronic conditions: an update from several European initiatives and recommendations for policy. J Pain Symptom Manage, 53(3):509-517; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2016.10.361.

Maté-Méndez, J., González-Barboteo, J., Calsina-Berna, A., Mateo-Ortega, D., Codorniu-Zamora, N., Limonero-García, J., Trelis-Navarro, J., Serrano-Bermúdez, G. y Gómez-Batiste, X. (2013). The Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO) model of palliative care: An integrated and comprehensive framework to address essential needs of patients with advanced cancer. JPC, 29(4): 236-242.


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