Perinatal loss and grief: an approach to monochorionic twin pregnacy
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pérdida perinatal, duelo perinatal, gestación gemelar monocorial, profesionales de la salud. Perinatal loss, perinatal grief, monochorionic twin pregnancy, healthcare professionals

How to Cite

Druguet Serra, M. (2023). Perinatal loss and grief: an approach to monochorionic twin pregnacy. HAEL. HEALTH, AGING & END OF LIFE, 4(1), 53–72. Retrieved from


The death of a child is one of the most psychologically shocking and traumatic experiences in a woman’s life.

When the loss occurs during the gestational stage, or the first days of life, it ac­quires special connotations. It not only implies the loss of the physical presence of the future child, but also a break with his imagined future, his dreams and his projects. Therefore, duels associated with this situation and these losses, have specific characteristics, and are highly complex; specifically, the perinatal loss in monochorionic twin gestations represents a phenomenon of intense emotional stress, with important repercussions on the individual, social and family dimensions. In most cases, combining the loss of a deceased child, with the continuity of the gestation process, and after delivery, with the care of a surviving baby, is extremely difficult.

Therefore, when a perinatal loss occurs, whether in a single gestation or a twin gestation, the specific needs of the mothers should be taken into account, both at the time of the death of the fetus and throughout the entire grieving process.

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