Editorial Note


  • Francisco J. Delgado University of Oviedo, Spain
  • Eduardo Gonzalez University of Oviedo, Spain




Editorial Note

Author Biography

Francisco J. Delgado, University of Oviedo, Spain

Associate Professor of Applied Economics Citations at google scholar (as of October 2014): 211 Selected Refereed Papers - Delgado, F.J., S. Lago-Peñas and M. Mayor (2014): “On the determinants of local tax rates: new evidence from Spain”, Contemporary Economic Policy, forthcoming. - Delgado, F.J., E. Fernández-Rodríguez and A. Martínez-Arias (2014): “Effective tax rates in corporate taxation: a quantile regression for the EU”, Engineering Economics, forthcoming. - Delgado, F.J. (2012): “Determinants of local tax mix: evidence from Spain”, Lex Localis – Journal of Local Self-Government, 10(4), 311-321. - Delgado, F.J., E. Fernández-Rodríguez and A. Martínez-Arias (2012): “Size and other determinants of corporate effective tax rates in US listed companies”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 98, 160-165. - Delgado, F.J. and M.J. Presno (2011): “Convergence of the fiscal pressure in the European Union: a time series approach”, Applied Economics, 43(28), 4257-4267. - Delgado, F.J. and M. Mayor (2011): “Tax mimicking among local governments: some evidence from Spanish municipalities”, Portuguese Economic Journal, 10(2), 149-164. - Delgado, F.J. and M.J. Presno (2010): “Tax policy convergence in the EU: an empirical analysis", Revista de Economía Mundial, 26, 53-83. - Delgado, F.J. (2005): “Measuring efficiency with neural networks. An application to the public sector”, Economics Bulletin, 3 (15), 1-10. - Santín, D., F.J. Delgado and A. Valiño (2004): “The measurement of technical efficiency: a neural network approach”, Applied Economics, 36(6), 627-635. Editorial Board - Economia Mexicana (2011-2013) - Economic Review (2012-) - Innovar (2011-) - Journal of Global Economics (2013-) - Lex Localis – Journal of Local Self-Government (2013-) Referee for (selection) - Contemporary Economic Policy - Economics Bulletin - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control - Journal of Public Economic Theory - Local Government Studies - Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics - Public Transport




How to Cite

Delgado, F. J., & Gonzalez, E. (2015). Editorial Note. Economics and Business Letters, 4(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.17811/ebl.4.1.2015.1-6



Editorial Note