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Author Guidelines

Language: original manuscripts must be written in English. They must be clear, concise and grammatically correct.

Online submission: authors must submit a cover letter and a manuscript in Word file format.

- Cover letter: title, author(s), affiliation(s), corresponding author’s full address and e-mail, abstract of no more than 120 words, keywords (up to 5), JEL classification (2 digits; up to 5), acknowledgements (if any) and original submission statement declaring that “The manuscript has not been previously published in its current form or a substantially similar form and is not currently under review by another journal” (with the exception of published doctoral dissertations, working papers and conference proceedings that must be detailed). To verify originality, your article may be checked with originality detection software.

- Manuscript: first page must contain title, abstract, keywords and JEL classification. Originals are limited to 2500 words, excluding abstract, references and tables. Please use single spaced Times New Roman 12 with one-inch margins. Empirical originals should adjust to the following structure: 1. Introduction, 2. Methods, 3. Data, 4. Results, 5. Concluding Remarks and References. Regarding theoretical or review originals, the organization of the papers is open.

Tables and Figures. Tables (Word format) and Figures must be inserted in the manuscript in the appropriate placement and numbered independently (1, 2…) with a Title (above) and Source and Notes (below, if any).

Expressions. Mathematical expressions should be embedded using Equation Editor, numbered (1, 2…) and cited in the text as i.e. “Eq. 1”. 

References style

Every reference cited in the text must be present in the References. In the text, please cite the author's surname(s) and the year of publication, i.e. Svejnar (2003), Dixit and Nalebuff (2008), Gabriel et al. (2007).

  • Journal articles:

Gabriel, S.A., Mattey, J.P. and Wascher, W.L. (2003) Compensating differentials and evolution in the Quality-of-Life among U.S. states, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 33(5), 619-649.

  • Books:

Dixit, A. and Nalebuff, B. (2008) The art of strategy, Norton: New York.

  • Book chapter:

Lubatkin, M.H., Lane, P.J. and Schulze, W.S. (2001) A strategic management model of agency relationships in firm governance. In Hitt, M.A., Freeman, R.E. and Harrison, J.S. (Eds): Handbook of Strategic Management. Blackwell: Oxford, 229–258.

  • Working papers:

Svejnar, J. (2003) Structural Reforms and Competitiveness: Will Europe Overtake America?, Working Paper 545. Ann Arbor, MI.

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