Assessing the future economic performance of wind generation in conjunction with compressed air energy storage in the new proposed Irish electricity market


  • Brendan Cleary School of Civil and Structural Engineering and Dublin Energy Lab, Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton St., Dublin 1, Ireland



The Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM) is the proposed wholesale electricity market for Ireland and it is intended to replace the current market by the end of 2017.  Under the I-SEM, wind generation will be exposed to forecast risk and the requirement to be balance responsible.  The use of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) could represent a better system configuration which would reduce the reliance on expensive generation for system balancing and reduce the financial risk to wind generation.   Thus, the aim of this paper is to estimate the future economic performance of wind generation with and without CAES, in the I-SEM.  Specifically, the day-ahead and balancing mechanism system marginal prices are estimated under the I-SEM for various scenarios. 

Author Biography

Brendan Cleary, School of Civil and Structural Engineering and Dublin Energy Lab, Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton St., Dublin 1, Ireland

Brendan Cleary received B.A. and B.A.I degrees in civil engineering and the MSc degree in civil engineering from Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Dublin Energy Lab at Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland. His research interests are in wind generation integration, energy policy and economics. Mr. Cleary is a Chartered Engineer of Engineers Ireland. He received the Fiosraigh Dean of Graduate Research School and Fulbright-Enterprise Ireland awards in 2011 and 2013, respectively.


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How to Cite

Cleary, B. (2015). Assessing the future economic performance of wind generation in conjunction with compressed air energy storage in the new proposed Irish electricity market. Economics and Business Letters, 4(3), 87–97.