Which organisational changes are most beneficial for firm innovation?


  • Jane Bourke
  • Frank Crowley University College Cork




This paper identifies which types of organisational HRM changes are most beneficial for firm innovation by using a treatment effects analysis and a large dataset of firms from emerging economies. The paper finds that organisational changes have a positive disruptive effect on firm product innovation outcomes. However, there is an organisational change hierarchy - where some HRM practices are more important than others. HRM practices that involve engaging with external partners, via collaboration and outsourcing have the largest effect on product innovation outcomes.

Author Biography

Frank Crowley, University College Cork

Dr. Jane Bourke is a lecturer in Economics at University College Cork. Jane holds BComm and MEconSc degrees from University College Cork and a PhD from Warwick Business School.  Jane's research interests are in the areas of innovation & technological change, adoption and diffusion of innovations, and health economics. Jane has presented her research at national and international conferences, and has recently published in the European Journal of Health Economics, Health Policy, the International Journal of Innovation Management and the Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research.

Frank Crowley has a PhD qualification from the University of Groningen. Frank is a lecturer in the School of Economics, UCC, Ireland. Frank's main research interests include innovation, government intervention and regional policy, management practices and firm performance. Frank has recent publications in the International journal of innovation management and spatial economic analysis.


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How to Cite

Bourke, J., & Crowley, F. (2016). Which organisational changes are most beneficial for firm innovation?. Economics and Business Letters, 5(4), 152–158. https://doi.org/10.17811/ebl.5.4.2016.152-158