Women’s rights and the patterns of migration


  • Schylar Brock
  • Beatriz Maldonado College of Charleston


This article investigates women’s economic, political, and social rights in both home and destination countries as potential push and pull factors of female migration. Using a bilateral framework including 104 origin countries and 28 destination countries for the years 1990 and 2000, we document that for female migrants with various levels of education, when women’s economic and social rights at home improve, they are less likely to leave, but women’s political rights are a push factor. Women’s economic rights in destination countries attract female migrants of all education levels but more so those with a tertiary education. Also, women’s political rights in destination countries are a pull factor, but women’s social rights are not.

Author Biography

Beatriz Maldonado, College of Charleston

Assitant Professor

Department of Economics
International Studies Program


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How to Cite

Brock, S., & Maldonado, B. (2017). Women’s rights and the patterns of migration. Economics and Business Letters, 6(1), 20–27. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/EBL/article/view/11334


