Influence of perceptual factors of a responsible gambling program on customer satisfaction with a gambling firm




Using data collected from customers of a Canadian provincial government-owned gambling firm, this study explores the relationship between gamblers’ perception of the organization’s commitment to responsible gambling programs and satisfaction with the firm. Results of a principal components analysis suggest that many value based judgements are closely related, and a multivariate regression model suggests that perceived adequacy of responsible gambling programs and perceived firm motives are predictive of customer satisfaction scores. We conclude that corporate social responsibility, and in particular, a commitment to responsible gambling programs, are closely related to customer satisfaction with gambling firms.

Author Biography

Brett Abarbanel, International Gaming Institute University of Nevada, Las Vegas UCLA Gambling Studies Program University of California, Los Angeles

Director of Research

International Gaming Institute

University of Nevada, Las Vegas


Assistant Research Scientist

UCLA Gambling Studies Program

University of California, Los Angeles


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How to Cite

Abarbanel, B., Cain, L., & Philander, K. (2018). Influence of perceptual factors of a responsible gambling program on customer satisfaction with a gambling firm. Economics and Business Letters, 7(4), 144–155.