A sector-based nonparametric decomposition of economic growth


  • Barnabe Walheer HEC Liege Universite de Liege




Sectors have gained in importance when studying economic growth and convergence of countries. In this letter, we suggest a simple and intuitive nonparametric procedure to obtain the decomposition of economic growth of countries in terms of sector-level indicators. It turns out that the new decomposition can be used to investigate the role of the sectors in the economic growth and convergence of countries. We propose an application to the case of 19 countries and nine sectors in Europe.


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How to Cite

Walheer, B. (2020). A sector-based nonparametric decomposition of economic growth. Economics and Business Letters, 9(2), 48–55. https://doi.org/10.17811/ebl.9.2.2020.48-55


