Modeling employees' deviant behavior and employers' reactions: an interdisciplinary approach using principal-agent and prospect theories


  • Aharon Tziner Schools of Behavioral Sciences & Business Administration, Netanya University College
  • Erich C. Fein School of Management, University of South Australia, Australia



In this paper we introduce mathematical models to address deviant behavior theory and practice. We examine only employee behaviors and employer reactions, but this framework is innovative and parsimonious, in that it models employer responses to employee’s behavioral deviance based on the dual application of principal-agent theory and prospect theory. After explaining the model, we examine boundary conditions and limitations and propose a series of applications to illustrate the potential usefulness of the model.

Author Biographies

Aharon Tziner, Schools of Behavioral Sciences & Business Administration, Netanya University College

AHARON TZINER (Ph.D., Labor Studies, Tel Aviv University) is Full Professor of Management, former Dean of the School of Business Administration, present Dean of the School of Behavioral Sciences, and Vice-rector for Research at Netanya Academic College. He has published 84 refereed articles, three book chapters, and five books in the area of staffing organizations, performance appraisal, work adjustment, structure and performance of groups in organizations, and the financial value of human resource management programs and organizational behavior. He has served as an editorial memberof the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Review and currently is on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Learning and Education, Economic Amphitheatre Journal (Romania), Review of Work and Organizational Psychology (Spain), Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences and IJMSIT. He is a member of the Academy of Management, APA, IPA, and SIOP. He has been associated with the University of Montreal, the City University of New York, Tel-Aviv University and Bar-Ilan University. He has also held visiting appointments with the State University of New York (at Albany), the University of Minnesota, and Ben-Gurion University.

Erich C. Fein, School of Management, University of South Australia, Australia

ERICH C. FEIN is a lecturer and Program Director at the Centre for Human Resource Management in the School of Management, Division of Business at the University of South Australia. Erich served as an intelligence officer and survival instructor in the US military. He received his Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from the Ohio State University. His research focuses on performance management, personnel selection, leadership development, and managerial ethics. His publications have appeared in the International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, and the Journal of Management Development.


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How to Cite

Tziner, A., & Fein, E. C. (2012). Modeling employees’ deviant behavior and employers’ reactions: an interdisciplinary approach using principal-agent and prospect theories. Economics and Business Letters, 1(4), 10–20.