Corredor-Matheos and Edward Hopper (with Carmen Martín Gaite to the Background). Hotel Room
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Edward Hopper
Habitación de hotel
José Corredor-Matheos
Carmen Martín-Gaite
Michael Riffaterre
psicologización Edward Hopper
Hotel Room
José Corredor-Matheos
Carmen Martín- Gaite
Michael Riffaterre

How to Cite

Bonet, L. (2020). Corredor-Matheos and Edward Hopper (with Carmen Martín Gaite to the Background). Hotel Room. Prosemas, 5, 185–205.


The picture of Edward Hopper Hotel Room left a deep mark on José Corredor-Matheos and Carmen Martín Gaite, belonging to the same generational group although with different stylistic uses. His ecfrastic reaction to this oil would be facilitated by the fact that Hopper was a «painter for writers», as confirmed by the numerous poetic and narrative recreations of his paintings. In the poem «Qué soledad aflige» (2007) Corredor-Matheos approaches Hotel Room by means of a writing outside of any mimetic temptation, highlighting the abstraction and essentiality of the painting: an icy tension. For her part, Martín Gaite —whose realism is subjective and emotional— will psychologize this canvas in «Todo es un cuento roto en Nueva York» (1993) and in the conference Hopper. Habitación de hotel (1996). Despite this scriptural disparity, the same response nests in both authors: the human being lives in an inhospitable world, which intensifies loneliness, anguish and alienation.
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