Superación de la dislexia mediante técnicas operantes
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Bernardo Gutierrez, I., & Pérez álvarez, M. (1993). Superación de la dislexia mediante técnicas operantes. Psicothema, 5(Número 2), 323–335. Retrieved from


Treatment of dyslexia with operant procedures. A number of works and investigations have tried to establish a quasi-causal relationship between problems in coordinating the movement of the body (sense of the right and left, orientation, rhythm. etc.) and dyslexia. The present study is direcred -through experimental intervention- to the analysis of this supposed relationship. which is -on the other hand- the base of traditional psychoeducational treatment. It has been applied, then a standard therapeutical paket and a behavioral procedure to a sample of 29 subjects whose profiles responded to the traditional theoretical presupposings of dyslexia children. The results answer back and extended the findings of previous studies showing that the behavioral intervention offers improvement neatly superior to the ones obtained through global intervention. In this wav the notion of "dyslexia" losses its credit in favour of considering the reading disorders as learning difficulties.
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