Un cuestionario para evaluar el clima social del centro escolar
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Trianes, M. V., Blanca, M. J., De La Morena, L., Infante, L., & Raya, S. (2006). Un cuestionario para evaluar el clima social del centro escolar. Psicothema, 18(Número 2), 272–277. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8504


A questionnaire to assess school social climate. A questionnaire to assess the school social climate (CECSCE) made from items of The California School Climate and Safety Survey is presented. The CECSCE displays a stable factorial Oblimin structure in two social climate factors: 1) relative to the school and 2) relative to the teaching staff. Both factors present a correlation that oscillates between 0.42 and 0.48; and they explain 54,2% and 45,6% of the variance, respectively. Its reliability test-retest is acceptable (r= 0.61) after 9 months. Both factors present gender differences in favour of girls. They also differentiate at the educational level, displaying in 2º course higher means in both factors than in 3º course. The second factor correlates positively with the factors that measure social competence in the Merrell School Social Behaviour Scales and negatively with those that measure antisocial and non adapted behaviour.
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