La Teoría de la Identidad Social: una síntesis crítica de sus fundamentos, evidencias y controversias
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How to Cite

Scandroglio, B., López Martínez, J. S., & San José Sebastián, M. C. (2008). La Teoría de la Identidad Social: una síntesis crítica de sus fundamentos, evidencias y controversias. Psicothema, 20(Número 1), 80–89. Retrieved from


Social Identity Theory: A critical synthesis of its bases, evidence and controversies. The social identity theory (SIT) and the self-categorization theory have had considerable influence on contemporary Social Psychology, making notable contributions to our understanding of the social dimension of behaviour. In the present work, we summarise the bases of these theories and critically review the most controversial elements of SIT, exploring its limits and potential. As shown here, the literature offers a heterogeneous body of research that includes outstanding efforts of synthesis and integration, but also numerous fragmentary studies and decontextualized interpretations that have generated distorted views of group behaviour. Taking into account the multidimensional, contextually mediated, dynamic and functional nature of identitary processes, which clearly emerge in the most serious works in the field, there is obviously a need to review the epistemological and methodological tools currently employed, with a view to developing practices that allow the study of group phenomena in a manner more suited to their complexity.
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