Assessing the quality of tests: revision of the EFPA review model
Psicothema 25 - 3
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Evers, A., Muñiz, J., Hagemeister, C., HstmæLingen, A., Lindley, P., Sjöberg, A., & Bartram, D. (2013). Assessing the quality of tests: revision of the EFPA review model. Psicothema, 25(Número 3), 283–291. Retrieved from


Background: Diverse national and international organizations have been developing projects for many years to improve testing practices. The main goal of this paper is to present the revised model of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) for the evaluation of the quality of tests. This model aims to provide test users with rigorous information about the theoretical, practical and psychometric characteristics of tests, in order to enhance their use. Method: For the revision of the test review model, an EFPA task force was established, consisting of six European experts from different countries, who worked on the update of the previous European model, adapting it to the recent developments in the field of psychological and educational measurement. Results: The updated EFPA model provides for the comprehensive evaluation of tests. The first part describes test characteristics exhaustively, and in the second part, a quantitative and narrative evaluation of the most relevant psychometric characteristics of tests is presented. Conclusions: A revision of the European model for the description and evaluation of psychological and educational tests is presented. The revised model is analyzed in light of recent developments in the field.
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