Comparing intergroup contact effects on blatant and subtle prejudice in adolescents: a multivariate multilevel model
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How to Cite

Herrero Olaizola, J., Rodríguez Díaz, F. J., & Musitu Ochoa, G. (2014). Comparing intergroup contact effects on blatant and subtle prejudice in adolescents: a multivariate multilevel model. Psicothema, 26(Número 1), 33–38. Retrieved from


Background: The literature has rarely paid attention to the differential influence of intergroup contact on subtle and blatant prejudice. In this study, we hypothesized that the influence of intergroup contact on subtle prejudice will be smaller than its influence on blatant prejudice. Method: This hypothesis was tested with data from a cross-sectional design on 1,655 school-aged native Spanish adolescents. Prejudice was measured with a shortened version of the Meertens and Pettigrew scale of blatant and subtle prejudice adapted to Spanish adolescent population. Results: Results from multivariate multilevel analyses for correlated outcome variables supported the hypothesis. Students tended to score higher on the subtle prejudice scale; contact with the outgroup was statistically related both to levels of blatant and subtle prejudice; and, the negative relationship of contact with the outgroup and prejudice is greater for blatant prejudice as compared to subtle prejudice. Conclusions: Overall, results provide statistical evidence supporting the greater resistance to change of subtle forms of prejudice.
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