Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Experiencing Of Self Scale (EOSS) for assessment in functional analytic psychotherapy
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Valero-Aguayo, L., Ferro-García, R., López-Bermúdez, M. ángel, & Selva-López De Huralde, M. D. L. ángeles. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Experiencing Of Self Scale (EOSS) for assessment in functional analytic psychotherapy. Psicothema, 26(Número 3), 415–422. Retrieved from


Background: The Experiencing of Self Scale (EOSS) was created to evaluate the experience of the personal self, within the field of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy. This paper presents a study of the reliability and validity of the EOSS in a Spanish sample. Method: The study sample, chosen from 24 different centres, comprised 1,040 participants aged between 18-75, of whom 32% were men and 68% women. The clinical sample was made up of 32.7%, whereas 67.3% had no known problem. To obtain evidence of convergent validity, other questionnaires related to the self (EPQ-R, DES, RSES) were used for comparison. Results: The EOSS showed high internal consistency (Cronbach's α = .941) and significantly high correlations with the EPQ-R Neuroticism scale and the DES Dissociation scale, while showing negative correlations with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). The EOSS revealed 4 principal factors: a self in close relationships, a self with casual social relationships, a self in general and a positive self-concept. Significant statistical differences were found between the clinical and standard sample, the former showing a higher average. Conclusions: The EOSS had high internal consistency, showing evidence of convergent validity with similar scales and proving useful for the assessment of people with psychological problems related to the self.
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