Background: The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms, disgust vulnerability, and the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality. Method: The sample consisted of 100 adult patients with OCD as a primary diagnosis and 246 with other anxiety disorders (OADs), who responded to OCD, disgust vulnerability, anxiety, depression and personality questionnaires. To perform parametric statistical calculations, all questionnaire scores were transformed from raw ordinal-scale scores to Rasch measures, with interval properties. Results: OCD patients scored significantly higher than OAD patients on DPSS-R Disgust Sensitivity and DPSS-R Disgust Propensity, with a large effect size observed on Disgust Propensity. Furthermore, strong correlations were observed between DPSS-R Propensity to Disgust model scores and DOCS Contamination model scores. Finally, NEO FFI Conscientiousness trait was significantly higher in OCD patients.