Background: Economic crises have a negative effect on mental health. Little evidence has been published on the impact of economic downturns on male and female. The aim of the study was to analyze gender differences in specific mental disorders in primary care during the current economic recession in Spain. Method: A total of 7,914 patients in 2006 and 5,876 patients in 2010 were recruited to collect sociodemographic data and the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders. Results: Between 2006 and 2010 the prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder increased 155.7% in men and 104.9% in women; Generalized Anxiety Disorder increased 98.3% in men and 71.3% in women; and Multisomatoform Disorder increased 100.05% in men and 37% in women. The effect of the Employment confounder was significant across all comparisons: Major Depressive Disorder Generalized Odds Ratio=2.557 for Men (p<.001), 2.046 for Women (p=.002); Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized Odds Ratio= 2.153 (p<.001) for Men, 1.546 for Women (p<.001); and for Non-specific Multisomatoform Disorder Generalized Odds Ratio=1.680 for Men (p<.001) and 1.301 for women (p=.014). Conclusion: Overall prevalence of mental disorders increased significantly between 2006 and 2010, especially in males, who are more sensitive to the effect of the current economic recession than women.