Background: Research on school violence, which disserves the quality of the process of teaching and learning in schools, has increased in recent decades. The aims of this study were to identify the most prevalent types of school violence in Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) according to the opinion of students, and to analyse differences in gender, school year, and the academic performance of the student informants. Method: The CUVE3-CSE questionnaire was applied to 4,943 CSE students (average age: 14.04; SD: 1.38) who are studying at 33 public and private schools. Results: showed the predominance of classroom disruption and student-to-student verbal violence, as well as differences in the level of perceived violence according to the variables analysed (gender, school year and academic performance). Conclusions: The study underscores the wide-ranging typology of violence at schools, and its everyday occurrence in classrooms, which highlight the need for improving our understanding in order to enhance the efficacy of prevention and intervention programs.