Background: Learning is increasingly frequent in B-Learning spaces. It is therefore necessary to study the characteristics that guarantee deeper and more successful learning in these learning environments. Method: We work with sample of 233 university students using the Moodle 3.1 platform in the third year of their degrees in Health Sciences. The effectiveness of four types of B-Learning on Learning Results (LR), behaviors on the platform, and student satisfaction are all studied. Prior knowledge is also used as a covariable. Results: It was found that the B-Learning environment in which the students obtained better general Outcomes Learning Results (LR) and a higher degree of satisfaction was the one that included the use of infographics and virtual laboratories based on Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). Conclusions: The design of B-Learning environments together with the use of SRL, is a factor that enhances effective learning and increases student satisfaction, especially if they include infographics and virtual laboratories. In addition, the use of these resources implements better overall LR on a larger number of students. Likewise, it promotes more homogeneous groups in the general LO. Future investigations will be aimed at verifying these results in other knowledge branches.