Benefits of PsyCap Training on the Wellbeing in Military Personnel

How to Cite

Hernández Varas, E., & García Silgo, M. (2021). Benefits of PsyCap Training on the Wellbeing in Military Personnel. Psicothema, 33(Número 4), 536–543. Retrieved from


Background: Psychosocial risks associated to the military life affect the performance and the psychological wellbeing of the military personnel adversely. However, Psychological Capital (PsyCap) is known to modulate positively these risks. The aim of this study is to test if a PsyCap-based training programme may enhance and shield the psychological wellbeing and PsyCap of the military personnel, benefiting both the individual and the employer organisation. Method: To determine the efficacy of the psychological training program a two way (fixed) ANOVA design was run and the R2 size effect was calculated in a sample of 90 Spanish military, comparing the 41 participants who were involved in PsyCap-based training programme with the control counterparts (N = 49). Results: Comparing the treatment group with its control counterpart we observed a remarkable increase in PsyCap of 15.18%, whilst the Psychological Wellbeing showed an 8.04% increase at the completion of the study respect to the control group. Conclusions: A training program based on the Psychological Capital enhances itself and helps to keep the wellbeing levels in the military personnel.