Stressful Life Events in Children Aged 3 to 15 Years During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Latent Class Analysis


COVID-19 pandemic
Latent Class Analysis
Stressful life events
Children Pandemia de COVID-19
Análisis de clases latentes
Eventos estresantes de la vida

How to Cite

Orgilés, M., Tomczyk, S., Amorós-Reche, V., Espada, J. P., & Morales, A. (2023). Stressful Life Events in Children Aged 3 to 15 Years During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Latent Class Analysis. Psicothema, 35(1), 58–65. Retrieved from


Background: Although several studies have reported an increase in psychological problems during the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of stressful life events on Spanish children and adolescents using a person-oriented statistical approach and the relationships between the profiles and emotional and behavioral symptoms have not yet been examined. The present study aims to identify profiles of Spanish children and adolescents, considering life-threatening stressful events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Participants were 252 parents of children aged 3 to 15 years old who completed an online structured questionnaire that collected information about stressful life events related to the pandemic and its impact on their children’s welfare. Results: Through Latent Class Analysis (LCA), four profiles of children and adolescents were found according to the stressful events experienced: “COVID infection, social confinement,” “economic loss,” “reduced social contact“ and “parental stress,” with no significant age or gender differences. Reduction in social contact was the most prevalent stressor. Comparisons of psychological symptoms across latent classes were analyzed. Conclusions: The findings increase our understanding of how stressful life events during the COVID-19 situation impacted young people’s psychological welfare and highlight the need to promote strategies to prevent emotional problems during a pandemic considering the identified profiles.



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