Underage Problem Gambling: With Whom, Where and Why

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Rial, A., Mora-Salgueiro, J., Feijóo, S., Liñares, D., & Braña, T. (2023). Underage Problem Gambling: With Whom, Where and Why. Psicothema, 35(2). Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/19748


Background: Underage gambling is a widespread phenomenon with its own characteristics that differentiate it from adult gambling. In addition, problem gambling has shown a remarkable prevalence in previous studies. The present study examines underage gambling behaviour, studying its characteristics, as well as motivational and contextual aspects, and estimating the volume of problem gambling and possible moderating variables. Method: A sample of 9,681 students aged between 12 and 17 years old reported their involvement in gambling and filled in the Brief Adolescent Gambling Screen (BAGS), with 4,617 of them completing a questionnaire about gambling behaviours. Results: Almost a quarter (23.5%) of the students reported having gambled in their lifetime (16.2% in-person, 1.4% online and 6% in both modalities), and 1.9% presented symptoms of problem gambling (BAGS ≥ 4). In-person gamblers preferred sport-betting machines, usually gambled in bars, and did not have their age checked. Online gamblers reported mainly sports betting, doing so on websites and paying with PayPal-like services and credit cards. Most gambled with friends and to win money. Problem gamblers were similar but gambled more frequently. Conclusions: These results present an image of the gambling situation among minors and, more importantly, of its context and related variables.



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