Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the World Health Organization’s Violence Against Women Instrument

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Badenes-Sastre, M., Lorente Acosta, M., Herrero Machancoses, F., & Expósito Jiménez, F. (2023). Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the World Health Organization’s Violence Against Women Instrument. Psicothema, 35(2). Retrieved from


Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) developed an instrument to detect violence against women that has been widely used in several countries. Despite this instrument’s importance in identifying intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW), it has not been adapted for the Spanish population. The aim of this study was to adapt and validate the WHO violence against women instrument in a sample in Spain, facilitating the detection of IPVAW in this context and comparisons between countries. Method: After the instrument was translated and adapted into Spanish, 532 women from the general population in Spain completed it. The initial instrument consisted of 28 items. We deleted three items due to low internal consistency, resulting in 25 items in the final version. Results: Suitable internal consistency was obtained through Confirmatory Factorial Analysis for physical (α = .92), psychological (α = .91), sexual (α = .86), and control behaviors subscales (α = .91) as well as for the total scale (α = .95). The instrument revealed highly prevalent IPVAW in our sample (79.7%). Conclusions: The use of the Spanish version of the WHO violence against women instrument in Spain seems justified.



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