Self-efficacy, Motivation and Academic Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of the Number of Friends at University


Academic satisfaction; Motivation; Friendships at university; Self-efficacy; Self-determination theory Satisfacción académica; Motivaciones; Amistades en la universidad; Autoeficacia; Teoría de la autodeterminación

How to Cite

Morelli, M., Baiocco, R., Cacciamani, S., Chirumbolo, A., Perrucci, V., & Cattelino, E. (2023). Self-efficacy, Motivation and Academic Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of the Number of Friends at University. Psicothema, 35(3). Retrieved from


Background: Academic satisfaction (AS) is a key marker of educational success at university. It is therefore extremely important to investigate any factors that may enhance AS. Drawing on social cognitive theory, Lent’s model of life satisfaction, and self-determination theory, the present study examined the roles of academic self-efficacy (ASE) and type of motivation for attending university in AS, while controlling for sex and course year. More specifically, the study investigated whether friendships at university moderated the relationship between AS and ASE, and between AS and the various kinds of motivation for going to university. Method: A survey was completed by 431 Italian university students. Five moderation regression analyses were run. Results: Having friends at university affected the relationship between amotivation and AS and between extrinsic motivation and AS: the more students were motivated or had low extrinsic motivation, the more satisfied they were, if they had a high number of friends at university. Conversely, if students lacked motivation or had high extrinsic motivation, they tended to be less satisfied, regardless of how many friends they had at university. Conclusions: A large number of friends at university maximizes and amplifies the effect of being self-determined on AS. We discuss the educational implications of these findings.




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