Background: This study presents the adaptation and evidence of the validity of the Spanish version of the Support for Economic Inequality Scale (S-SEIS). This measure evaluates people’s tendency to have positive attitudes toward economic inequality. Method: Two correlational studies were conducted, one exploratory (N = 619) and one confirmatory (N = 562). Results: S-SEIS showed good reliability in both studies. The factorial analysis showed a one-factor structure in Study 1 that was confirmed in Study 2. We also found a relationship between S-SEIS and other extensively used measures of attitudes toward inequality, such as intolerance toward inequality. S-SEIS positively correlates with belief in a just world, social dominance orientation (SDO), economic system justification (ESJ), institutional trust, and perceived democracy; it correlates negatively with intolerance toward inequality, perceived inequality, perceived warmth/competence of people in poverty and support for redistribution. Conclusions: The current research findings suggest that S-SEIS is a valuable instrument for evaluating the support of economic inequality in Spanish samples.
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