Antecedents: People with extensive support needs are more likely to live in segregated and highly institutionalized environments. The aim of this study was to analyze changes in functioning and quality of life for people with IDD and extensive support needs after transitioning to ordinary homes in the community. Method: The sample included 54 adults with IDD and extensive support needs, who were assessed at three time points: before transition, six months later, and one year after transition. The Resident Choice Scale, San Martin Quality of Life Scale, Active Support Participation Measure, and the Behavior Problem section of the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning were administered. Partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and t-tests for repeated measures were carried out. Results: There were significant improvements in decision-making, participation and independence in daily activities and quality of life, as well as a reduction in the presence and intensity of behavioral problems. Conclusions: The benefits found in this study support transformation processes towards more inclusive services and professional practices that foster people’s rights and feeling of belonging to the community.
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