Background: Adolescence is an important period for development, when psychological problems may appear, including suicidal behavior. Experiencing Stressful Life Events (SLEs) is associated with increased risk of such problems, although the impact of distinct types of SLEs has seldom been examined. This study aims to analyze associations between different SLEs, psychological problems, subjective well-being, and suicidal behavior in adolescents. A new instrument was developed—the Stressful Life Events Checklist for Adolescents (SLECA)—where SLEs were classified as: minor/major, dependent/independent, interpersonal/non-interpersonal, and chronic/episodic. Method: Two waves of data collection were included. Wave 1 involved 5,610 adolescents whereas wave 2 involved 2,312 adolescents. Results: Major dependent interpersonal episodic SLEs were strongly associated with externalizing problems. Major dependent non-interpersonal episodic SLEs showed the highest association with attention-deficit/hyperactivity problems. Major independent chronic SLEs were associated with low subjective well-being, and internalizing problems. Peer problems and academic SLEs were associated with psychological problems and low subjective-well-being. Controlling for mental health variables, suicidal behavior was related to major independent chronic SLEs and to those linked to victimization and sexuality- related problems. Conclusions: The SLECA is a useful instrument for assessing SLEs in adolescents, unravelling the interrelations between SLEs, mental health, and suicidal behavior.
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