Background: Traditional peer victimization and cyber-victimization are predictive risk factors for suicidal behavior in adolescents. Family communication is a protective factor that has seldom been studied in the specific problem of suicidal ideation in adolescent victims of traditional victimization and cyber-victimization. The objective of the present study was to use two different moderated mediation models to analyze the direct and indirect—mediating—effects of traditional victimization and cyber-victimization on suicidal ideation in adolescents, as well as the moderating role of family communication in the relationships between traditional victimization, cyber-victimization, and suicidal ideation. Method: 1007 adolescents (51.9% boys) aged 12-18 years participated. Results: Significant direct and indirect effects of traditional victimization and cyber-victimization on suicidal ideation were confirmed. Family communication moderated the direct effects of cyber-victimization on suicidal ideation, but not the direct effects of traditional victimization on suicidal ideation. In addition, it moderated the relationship between traditional victimization and cyber-victimization. Conclusions: Family communication is a protective factor associated with decreased cyber-victimization in adolescents who suffer traditional victimization and reduced suicidal ideation in victims of cyber-victimization.
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