Background: The present study analyzes factors of adolescents’ ecological-relational contexts in relation to suicidal behavior. In particular, it examined the role of peer bullying and cyberbullying, classroom climate, violence and partner victimization, parental socialization styles, and child-to-parent violence. Method: The participants are 2,977 Spanish adolescents attending seven secondary schools. They were aged 11-17 (M = 14.0, SD = 1.40; 51.5% girls). Multivariate logistic regression analyses and a two-step cluster analysis were applied to analyze the data. Results: Findings showed a prevalence of suicidal thoughts in 43.3% of the sample, with 7.7% reporting suicide attempts. Adolescents experiencing high/low victimization (ORa = 3.10, p < .001) and high cybervictimization (ORa = 1.67, p < .001) were at risk. However, high cyberbullying involvement (ORa = 0.55, p < .001) and not having a partner (ORa = 0.61, p < .001) emerged as protective factors. Sex-specific analyses underscored distinct interaction effects, with suicidal behavior in girls being significantly related to maternal negative socialization (ORa = 1.57, p = .05). Conclusions: An ecological- relational and sex approach is needed to understand and prevent suicidal behavior in adolescents.
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