Evaluación de la ansiedad a través de la frecuencia de fluctuación crítica (FFC)
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How to Cite

León Marín, M. R., Rodríguez González, J. M., & Blanco Picabia, A. (1990). Evaluación de la ansiedad a través de la frecuencia de fluctuación crítica (FFC). Psicothema, 2(Número 2), 179–188. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7051


Assessment of anxiety by means of Critical Frequency (CFF).- The aim of this study is to verify the relationship between two manifestations of Anxiety, the physiological one and the subjective-experience one. The results obtained after a statistical breakdown of the facts leads us to think that moderate physiological and psychological alterations, products of anxiety, can not be detected in a reliable or appropriate way Critical Flicker Frequency aid.
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