Condicionamiento clásico en la adicción
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Graña Gómez, J., & Carrobles, J. A. (1991). Condicionamiento clásico en la adicción. Psicothema, 3(Número 1), 87–96. Retrieved from


Classical conditioning in addiction. An analysis is made of the role of classical conditioning in the field of drug dependence, fundamentally in the case of addiction to morphine and its derivatives. At the present time it is clear that these conditioning mechanisms explain to a largo extent the phenomenon of conditioned tolerance which consists in the modulation of the effects of a drug by means of the environmental cues which are present at the time of its administration. The conditioned response produced is of opposite sign to the effects of the drug and is called compensatory conditioned response or conditioned tolerance. The other type of conditioned responses are similar to the effects of the drug, the most typical case being the phenomenon of the "need1e freak fantasy". It has also been demonstrated that the signs and symptoms of the abstinence syndrome are classically conditioned, in the same way as it is craving behavior. These results are analyzed in relationship with treatment programmers.
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