Reacciones emocionales a través del estadío en el cáncer de mama
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How to Cite

Andreu Vaillo, Y., Galdón Garrido, M. J., & Ibañez Guerra, E. (1991). Reacciones emocionales a través del estadío en el cáncer de mama. Psicothema, 3(Número 2), 283–296. Retrieved from


Emotional reactions through the stage of breast cáncer. In this paper we research if there exist different profiles of emotional reactions between patients in the metastatic stage breast cáncer and patients in non-metastasic stages. The key could consist in the symptomatic differences between women belonging to each group. We use sample of 150 healthy patients subjected to chemotherapy and a sample of 150 healthy women. Outcomes support our original approach and would justify the necessity of insolated consideration for each group of patients.
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