La pedagogía hospitalaria en europa: la historia reciente de un movimiento pedagógico innovador
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How to Cite

Polaino-Lorente, A., & Lizasoain, O. (1992). La pedagogía hospitalaria en europa: la historia reciente de un movimiento pedagógico innovador. Psicothema, 4(Número 1), 49–67. Retrieved from


Pedagogical activity in European Hospitals. The hospitalized child, even for a short time, can suffers several psychopathological disorders. To prevent this disorders in hospitalized pediatric patients, the pedagogical -as a complement of the medical action- is taken into account since some years ago in European countries. In this way, the European Parlament approved, in 1986, the Charter of the Right for Hospitalized Children. However pediatric hospitalization unfullfil in Europe the counsels of this Charter. This paper reports summarily on the principal lines of pedagogical activity developed in European hospitals.
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