El lenguaje del pensamiento como lenguaje privado. Una crítica wittgensteiniana al innatismo de Fodor
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How to Cite

Rodríguez Sutil, C. (1992). El lenguaje del pensamiento como lenguaje privado. Una crítica wittgensteiniana al innatismo de Fodor. Psicothema, 4(Número 1), 133–152. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7107


The languaje of thinking as private languaje. In this article a critical analysis of Fodor's (and Chomsky's) innate mentalist is presented. In order to accomplish that we consider the critique of Cartesianism and internal entities as stated by the Second Wittgenstein. As Wittgenstein showed, a private languaje previous to the natural language, as is postulated by rationalist and empiricist philosophers, is not (logical) possible. Fodor's languaje of thought is such a private language. Besides his computacional psychology, that describes the learning process as the actualization of innate concepts, we defend a "naturalist" psychology, that consider the infant as learning a network of concepts without going through any intermediate states. In conclusion, psychology ought to be: not reductionism, not dualist, contextual (ecological), semantic and active.
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