Satisfacción residencial en ámbitos de infravivienda
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Aragonés, J. I., & Corraliza, J. A. (1992). Satisfacción residencial en ámbitos de infravivienda. Psicothema, 4(Número 2), 329–341. Retrieved from


Residential satisfaction in slums. This research includes the more relevant results obtained in a study on residential satisfaction in a population of 298 housewives who live in shanties or low-quality housing in Asturias. The results show that the perception of the residential environment is more positive than an analysis of the real characteristics of the environment can infer. In the study, three components: house, area and neighbourhood explain in some degree the residential satisfaction. In addition, there are a set of predictor variables, both objective and subjective, which explain residential satisfaction; the main predictor variables are, among others, attachment to the spatial area, social relations in the neighbourhood and the perception of the physical infrastructure and the equipment of the residential environment.
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