Un análisis exploratorio de los posibles efectos del divorcio en los hijos
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Bengoechea Garin, P. (1992). Un análisis exploratorio de los posibles efectos del divorcio en los hijos. Psicothema, 4(Número 2), 491–511. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7133


An exploratory analysis of the possible effects of divorce on children. The research has as objective to analyze and try to explain the reactions or responses that the children have to the separation of their parents, depending on the age and the educational level of those. With this aim, a set of variables refers to different aspects of the child as the personality, the intelligence, his/her personal adaptation, in the school and social, state of mind, the education he/she receives from-the parents and the perception of the social-familiary climate were studied an analyzed 1.441 children from 6 to 18 years old and between 1th- E.G.B. and 3th- B.U.P., were studied, 905 children belonged to intact families and 536 were children of separated parents. The time of the separation was borne in mind in order to know the effect of the separation of the parents at the moment it happened or a year or more after in look place.
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