Intervención conductual en el síndrome de intestino irritable: dos casos de estudio
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How to Cite

González Rato, M. D. C., García Vega, E., & Fernández Rodríguez, C. (1992). Intervención conductual en el síndrome de intestino irritable: dos casos de estudio. Psicothema, 4(Número 2), 513–530. Retrieved from


Behavioral intervention in irritable bowel syndrome; two study cases. Taking account obtained outcomes from primer investigations, treatment in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I.B.S.) is studied. Those investigations have pointed out training efficacy in "Contingency management" and "Stress management" in that patients whose sintomatology within traditional medical intervention doesn't remit. Both procedures with two cases study are illustrated hitw behavioral variables that advise one or another behavioral intervention and are discussed and associating this with a I.B.S. positive development.
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