Evaluación de programas residenciales de servicios sociales para la infancia. Situación actual y aportaciones de los enfoques ecopsicológicos
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How to Cite

Fernández Del Valle, J. (1992). Evaluación de programas residenciales de servicios sociales para la infancia. Situación actual y aportaciones de los enfoques ecopsicológicos. Psicothema, 4(Número 2), 531–542. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/7135


Evaluation of social services housing programs for children. Current situation and contributions of the ecopsychological trends. The problems related to childhood institutionalization take part of the classic studies of developmental psychology. This paper analyses the current situation of the social services housing programs for children besides those psichodinamic theories that have tried to explain the undiserable psychological effects of institutionalization. These effects will be understood as a consequence of the inadequated program design, in a way that it makes necessary an accurate analysis of this kind of housing interventions. Finally, some contributions of the ecopsychological trends on measurement are reviewed.
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